Historic Santa Fe Foundation’s mission is to preserve, protect and promote the historic properties and diverse cultural heritage of the Santa Fe area, and to educate the public about Santa Fe's history and the importance of preservation. With this mandate from the staff and Board, the Foundation works diligently to foster community, educate the public and assist or actively participate in preserving historic buildings and other resources in Northern New Mexico.

In 2017, we pursued many Foundation and outside projects in partnership with Santa Fe and New Mexico governmental organizations and other nonprofits. We are thankful for the hands-on assistance and financial donations of our members, Board, staff, partners, artists-in-residence, volunteers, and the many other community members who have made HSFF a viable organization since its founding in 1961. Be a part of our community, give a one-time or ongoing gift to HSFF, and/or sign up for your own or gift membership on our Join & Give page to help continue with our worthwhile efforts. More information on the Steward membership is available on our site.

Please enjoy the 2017 year in pictures along with a list at the bottom of the page of the recent and ongoing projects of Historic Santa Fe Foundation.


Photography by HSFF staff and friends with assistance from Melanie West for the Preservation Awards. Song credit, Old Key by Loyalty Freak Music available on FreeMusicArchive.org.


HSFF Partnerships and Community Events
• Working on an upcoming summer 2018 event with San Miguel Chapel and New Mexico Historic Preservation Division
• Annual Heritage Preservation Awards (partnership with City of Santa Fe HPD and OSFA)
• Plaza de Cerro Restoration Project (partnership with Cornerstones and the Chimayo Cultural Preservation Association)
• Adobe Making Days (Partnership with Cornerstones) four weekends at Palace of the Governors and San Miguel Chapel
• Preservation and maintenance of the El Zaguán Garden (partnership with Santa Fe Master Gardeners)
• Tree-ring dating of Prince Plaza and other properties in conjunction with a group of distinguished volunteers (John Ruminer, Tom Windes, Tom Swetnam) and First National Santa Fe Trust Department

El Zaguán/Membership Programs
• Stewards Program with talks on historic properties
• Salon El Zaguán monthly lectures
• Artists Residence Program at El Zaguan
• Monthly Art Exhibits in the Sala
• Ownership and stewardship of six historic properties
• HSFF Register of Properties Worthy of Preservation
• Preservation Easement Program and Research and Archives Program

Internship Programs
• Faith and John Gaw Meem Preservation Trades Internship
• Oral History Project 1: (partnership with SHPO and Agua Fria Traditional Village Association)
• Oral History Project 2 (with NPS Historic Trails Division) Camino Real in Agua Fria and inventory of existing oral histories

• Triannual Printed newsletter
• Monthly eZine
• Social Media including Instagram and Facebook,
• Master Gardeners Brochure on El Zaguán Garden
• Other publications: Walking Tour of HSFF Properties, Old Santa Fe Today, Archaeology of the El Zaguán Garden, HSFF Bulletins (preparing for posting on website)
• Completing an online tour version of Old Santa Fe Today

The Historic Santa Fe Foundation (HSFF) is a private, non-profit membership organization founded in 1961. HSFF is dedicated to the preservation of Santa Fe’s historic buildings and neighborhoods. Our mission is to preserve, protect and promote the historic properties and diverse cultural heritage of the Santa Fe area and to educate the public about Santa Fe’s history and the importance of preservation. Historic Santa Fe Foundation offices are located in El Zaguán, 545 Canyon Road, Suite 2, Santa Fe, New Mexico. More information can be found at www.historicsantafe.org.
Contact: Melanie McWhorter melanie@historicsantafe.org or call 505.983.2567 for more information or questions.