HSFF's 2021 Board of Directors and Executive Committee Announced
At the Board of Directors meeting held on June 24, 2021, there was a changing of the guard. Ken Stilwell completed his term as Chair, but continues as a Director through October 2021. Tim Maxwell completed his term as Director, but continues as an advisor with our interpretation of the history of El Zaguán as part of our Master Plan implementation.
Ken has provided us outstanding leadership through the sales of the final properties owned by HSFF, and the beginning of the focus on El Zaguán as a welcoming, reconfigured space for education, outreach, and the center for historic preservation in Santa Fe. Tim likewise gave us tireless attention and leadership in various roles on the Executive Committee, as well as Chair of the Education, Research, Archives Committee. All of our thanks to them both as they helped us reach this new stage in the history of HSFF.
Ra Patterson was elected to the Board, and the new Executive Committee is:
Anne McDonald Culp, Chair
Tony Sawtell, Vice Chair
Harlan Flint, Treasurer
Nancy Owen Lewis, Secretary
Graciela Tomé, At-large Director
So, there is a new composition of Board leadership, well-suited to keep us moving forward in our fresh direction as a significant and relevant force in the community. This Executive Committee is not short on ideas and has a true dedication to the mission of the Foundation.
Thanks to all for taking the charge forward.