Preservation Projects Manager Mara Saxer departing HSFF to begin a new adventure

Mara Saxer joined the Historic Santa Fe Foundation in 2015. For over seven years, Mara was a dedicated part of the Foundation’s team, first as the Preservation Specialist and later as our Preservation Projects Manager. Last Thursday was Mara’s last day with us– now she is seizing the opportunity to travel. We are excited for her to embark on this new journey and want to acknowledge the extent of her work at El Zaguán.

Mara’s contributions stretched far beyond the space constraints of a weekly email or blog post. She took on the restoration of the Garcia House as well as the “Sisyphusian task of maintaining the entrance of HSFF’s El Zaguán.” Mara has also been an adroit mentor and resource to our preservation trades interns, contributor to the El Zaguán Master Plan and fifth edition of Old Santa Fe Today, and manager of HSFF’s preservation easement program. Mara possesses invaluable skills, talents, and experiences in preservation, and we are lucky she shared them with us to the Foundation’s great benefit.

Sincere thanks Mara, for all you have done for the Foundation and the care of El Zaguán.

Email to send your well wishes to Mara, and we will pass along your messages.