At the April 27, 2023 Board of Directors meeting, the Education, Research, and Archives Committee recommended to the Board that the Chaves-Kelly House and neighboring Pond-Kelly House be added to the HSFF Register of Properties Worthy of Preservation. These properties were early efforts in the Territorial Revival Style, both being worked on at some point by John Gaw Meem. The Chaves-Kelly House provided Meem with many design elements that would later be incorporated into his signature Territorial Revival Style. The many owners of the properties were part of the historic preservation of these sites and others throughout the state. East Palace Avenue went from outlying farmland to a wealthy neighborhood in the late 1800s occupied by prominent businessmen and high-ranking government officials. Most houses at the time mirrored tall brick Victorian houses, but these two properties were built out of character with their Territorial features.
From the nomination summary by Giulia Caporuscio featured in HSFF’s Spring/Summer 2023 newsletter with photographs by Hanna Churchwell.