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Opening: Agua Fría Village Exhibition, A History in Photographs, Artifacts and Maps

Agua Fría Village Exhibition: A History in Photographs, Artifacts and Maps opens at El Zaguán, 545 Canyon Road, Suite 2, on Friday, October 7th from 5-7pm. Oral historian Hana Crawford will present a short introduction to her film on the Tradition of the Holy Family in the village with a viewing of her video following immediately at 6pm. The exhibition continues through October 31st, 2016.

The Traditional Village of Agua Fría has been an important location in the Northern New Mexico landscape since pre-historic times. Several early pueblos (abandoned before Spanish historical records) were built atop previous settlements. Spanish settlers arrived around 1640 en route on the Camino Real de Adentro to Santa Fe. Following the Pueblo Revolt and subsequent Reconquista, land grants were given in the area in 1693 and Agua Fria counted 57 families in the 1776 census by Fray Atanacio Dominguez. The village was designated as a Traditional Historic Community in 1995.

Agua Fría resident and historian William Mee has spear-headed a search for the village’s history, along with the Agua Fría Village Association, researching archives, conducting oral histories with its citizens, and working with outside groups like the National Park Service, Historic Trails Division and the Historic Santa Fe Foundation. Photos, artifacts, video histories and records research led to a better understanding of the significant role Agua Fria has played in our region’s history.

This exhibition in the sala at HSFF will display photos, maps, artifacts, memorable musings and a general overview of the history of Agua Fría. On opening night, promptly at 6:00 PM, Hana Crawford, oral historian and former intern at Historic Santa Fe Foundation (HSFF) and New Mexico Historic Preservation Division (HPD), will present a short introduction to her edited video on the Tradition of the Holy Family in the village.

October 7

Agua Fria Exhibition continues through Oct. 31st, 2016

November 14

ANNA: Photography by Gustavo Castillo - Exhibition Continues