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Salon El Zaguán with Frank Graziano: Native Catholicism at the Pueblos & Mescalero Apache Nation


Apache Christ by Robert Lentz. The painting behind the altar at St. Joseph Apache Mission in Mescalero.
Photo courtesy Frank Graziano.

Historic Santa Fe Foundation presents the May Salon El Zaguán monthly lecture series with Frank Graziano on Native Catholicism at the Pueblos & Mescalero Apache Nation. The talk is scheduled for Monday, May 21, 2018 at 3pm in the sala of HSFF offices located at 545 Canyon Road, Suite 2, Santa Fe.

There is no charge for admission for members and the non-members entry fee is $5. RSVP is required to 505-983-2567 or Membership information on our Join & Give page.



Ansel Adams, "Church, Acoma Pueblo". Courtesy National Archives, photo no. 79-AAA-3.

Native Catholicism at the Pueblos & Mescalero Apache Nation
This illustrated talk focuses on Catholicism as it interacts variously with native religious traditions and how the historic churches are integrated today. The talk is based on recent research at Laguna, Acoma, Picurís, and Mescalero, and on Frank’s book-in-progress, Historic Churches of New Mexico Today.

Frank Graziano’s books on religious cultures include The Millenial New World (1999), Wounds of Love: The Mystical Marriage of St. Rose of Lima (2003), Cultures of Devotion: Folk Saints of Spanish America (2007), and Miraculous Images and Votive Offering in Mexico (2016), all published by Oxford University Press. Oxford will also publish Graziano’s book-in-progress, Historic Churces of New Mexico Today. Graziano is the recipient of grants and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Council of Learned Societies, the Fulbright and Fulbright-Hays programs, the John Carter Brown Library, Duke University, and the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center, among many others. Between 1999 and 2016 he was John D. MacArthur Professor of Hispanic Studies at Connecticut College.

Graziano has been an invited speaker at many institutions in the United States and abroad, including Boston, Brown, Columbia, Duke, Emory, John Hopkins, New York, Princeton, and Yale Universities, the Americas Society, the United States Naval Academy, University of London, Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano (Buenos Aires), Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro Bartolomé de Las Casas (Cuzco), and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima).

To RSVP for the event, call or email Jacqueline Hill at 505-983-2567 or