The Church of the Holy Faith represents the period of eclecticism in revival architectural styles promulgated by the arrival of the railroad and a flood of new building materials. The Church of the Holy Faith was built by the first Episcopalian congregation in the Diocese of the Rio Grande. It is a simple, stone, English Gothic Revival Style building with lancet windows, a pitched roof, and Norman Style tower. Erected in 1882, the original church is presently the nave of the current expanded structure. In 1926, the congregation commissioned John Gaw Meem to design a parish hall complementing the primary structure, and the architect was again employed to expand the church in 1953. Meem, the son of an Episcopal minister, designed numerous Episcopal churches in the Southwest, including the Cathedral of St. John in Albuquerque, another Gothic Revival building but much grander in scale. Today, the Church of the Holy Faith remains an active parish.

From Old Santa Fe Today, 5th edition by Audra Bellmore with photographs by Simone Frances.