Michael Romero Taylor Interview


Nuevo Mexico Profundo started on an oral biography/heritage archive project conducted by Frank Graziano. The interviewees are a cross-section of experience in New Mexico. Profundo’s Frank Graziano presents another extensive, personal look at the life and work of Michael Romero Taylor.

Michael Romero Taylor has been working for the last forty years in historic preservation. His experience includes historic site management, architectural conservation, management of cultural routes, museum/visitor center management and archaeological site preservation. In the United States, he served as the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Officer in 1994-95, and was the Deputy Director of New Mexico State Monuments from 1995 to 2001. Taylor earned a masters certificate from the Architectural Conservation Course through ICCROM in Rome, Italy 1987, and has been active with the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) for the past twenty five years. He has lectured on historic preservation with emphasis on earthen architecture, site management, and cultural routes in Latin America, Europe, and Asia. In 2010, he was selected as a visiting scholar to the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles. Taylor earned a certificate in Historic Preservation and Regionalism from the University of New Mexico in 2016. He retired in 2019 from the National Park Service working as a cultural resource specialist for nine congressionally designated historic trails in the United States. His research interests include international approaches to preservation, protection and management of cultural routes.

More on Nuevo Mexico Profundo here.


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